Seitō {青鞜} gathers Japanese female artists from various electronic and experimental music fields. Like the « Tokyo Flashback » series issued by P.S.F. in the early 1990s, this collection recorded between 2017 and 2019 exposes the richness of the contemporary Japanese underground music scene. The title refers to a cult feminist magazine printed in Japan in the 1910s. Featuring: Fuji-Yuki’s glommy folk song, Kiki Hitomi’s haunted dub tune, Mikado Koko’s deep house hit, Miki Yui’s electoacoustic performance, Kakushin Nishihara’s noisy folk track, Kuunatic’s oriental psych blend and Keiko Higuchi’s memorable 9 minutes cover of classic Japanese folk song Okesa Bushi. All tracks issued for the first time.