Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper (Black History Month)

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A Little Deeper is the acclaimed debut album from North London's finest Ms Dynamite aka Naomi McLean Daley who initially grabbed the nations attention as the bolshi MC on the Sticky produced Booo!

A sixty-minute introduction into the life and strife of this gifted twenty two year old. A smooth head nodding ride through heartbreak care of tracks "Sick n Tired", "Now You Want My Love", bad relationships "Gotta Let You Know" and a plethora of warning messages against the pitfalls of today's social ills typified by acapella "Watch Over Them". There's even an ode to her baby brother. Essentially, Dynamite wants you to learn from her mistakes and the mistakes of others to be the best that you can be. Sentiments that on occasion come across as slightly preachy.

Release Date: 06/10/23