Glastonbury 2000 documents Bowie’s legendary Sunday night headline performance on 25th June at the most famous festival on earth. The legendary full performance released for the first time including many of David’s greatest hits and never before seen footage.
All formats feature David’s diary, originally written for Time Out, which documents him preparing for the show in his own inimitable manner. In addition to newly mastered audio and upgraded video Glastonbury 2000 features new artwork from Jonathan Barnbrook (who worked with Bowie on the sleeves for Heathen, The Next Day and ★) and notes from the renowned author and Bowie fan Caitlin Moran who reviewed the show for The Times. The package features photos of Bowie resplendently dressed in a 3/4 length one-of-a-kind Alexander McQueen frock coat, the pattern of which was made to echo the hat (the famous ‘bipperty-bopperty hat’ mentioned in the song Queen Bitch) and worn by David at his Glastonbury Fayre debut in 1971.
Released 30/11/18