Label: Castles In Space
Motoring up to Norwich from London, it would be difficult to miss Thetford Forest, the vast wooded wilderness that follows a large section of the A11. Planted between the world wars to ensure a plentiful timber stock, today it’s a managed park attracting picnickers and hikers. But there’s another side to this wood that most day trippers would probably be unaware of…
Concretism’s Chris Sharp can often be found walking in Norfolk’s Thetford Forest as he has family over that way. It was on one such walk that he began imagining the story of a beast that roams the area. A little research soon revealed The Thetford Beast was real. Well, you know, real in a folklore way. There’s been many sightings over the years, descriptions of everything from a large cat to a seven-foot ape-like figure.
Released: 02/09/22