Jean-Michel Jarre rang in 2021 with a groundbreaking live performance from a virtual reality Notre-Dame cathedral. The show, which combined life-like concert visuals in VR with a real live studio performance, introduced a mixed-media approach which was the first of its kind. It attracted a staggering audience of over 75 million viewers globally. This historic achievement saw Jarre top the Pollstar chart for livestreams, out-performing the entire top 10 combined!
This NYE live performance, which included tracks from his recent Grammy-nominated opus Electronica, as well as new reworked versions of his classics, Oxygène and Equinoxe is now released physically.
The CD/Bluray package includes the full concert, along with a MasterClass with Jarre, where he reveals the secrets behind putting on such an ambitious spectacle. Viewers will also have access to a behind-the-scenes video, capturing the final hours leading up to the performance, and its production. Additionally both formats will include a code to download a newly produced Binaural version of the performance which will also be made availablevia DSPs. The 3D ‘spatial’ audio mix brings a new dimension of sound to listeners on headphones and really has to be heard to be believed.
Released 10/09/21