Beth Orton - Weather Alive

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Weather Alive, Beth Orton's first album in six years, is released on Partisan Records.

The foundations of the songs on Orton's stunning 2022 album, 'Weather Alive', are nothing more than her voice and a 'cheap, crappy' upright piano installed in a shed in her garden, conjuring a deeply meditative atmosphere that remains long after the final note has evaporated. 'I am known as a collaborator and I'm very good at it. I'm very open to it. Sometimes, I've been obscured by it', says Orton, who rose to prominence through '90s-era collaborations with William Orbit, Red Snapper and The Chemical Brothers before striking out on her own with a series of acclaimed, award-winning solo releases. 'I think what's happened with this record is that through being cornered by life, I got to reveal myself to myself and to collaborate with myself, actually'.

Released 23/9/22