Further to below, we're now opening Friday's starting July 3rd, to give those of you who work in the town and also of course it's New Release Day :-)
We're really pleased to be re-opening Saturday June 20th but we are acutely aware that the situation with COVID-19 is far from over
So to protect you, our customers and friends, and our staff the following measures and practices will be in operation and we are sure we can count on your co-operation
Firstly it goes without saying that if you are feeling any of the symptoms of COVID19, then please do not visit
We are restricting access to two customers in the shop at any one time. Within the shop please ensure social distancing is practiced. We have marked out 2m spaces to help you with this
If this means that a queue forms, please queue responsibly and maintaining social distance policy, which is currently 2m. Again, we have marked out some spacers for queueing outside the shop
Once entering the shop, please follow the one way system in place
Alcohol hand sanitizer is provided on entry and exit and is mandatory. We ask that is applied for 20 seconds.
For those of you who wish to browse, then we will provide disposable gloves for your use which are to be deposited in the provided bin on exit. (own gloves will not be sufficient as a precaution)
For those of you who require a specific item, then please speak with us so we can locate your item for you
Contactless payment is preferable, and we may split large orders into separate transactions to facilitate this. If you cannot or prefer not to use contactless then normal card payment will be accepted. Cash is to be used only as a last resort and is to be deposited into an envelope directly and will not be placed directly into the till
We will barcode scan your purchases without handling them and ask that you bring your own bags but will provide a bag if needed, but will leave you to place your items in the bag
On exit from the shop, please follow the directing arrow away from anyone queueing to enter
Thanks again for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow
The plan is we will open Saturdays only in June, and then re-assess the situation in July