here on earth offers a collection of songs mcgraw brought together to create vignettes of shared human emotions such as love, relationships, introspection and fun.
the album as a whole provides a musical tapestry of life and a shared experience that we can use to connect all the different lives that we live, all the different parts of the world that we come from and use music as the universal language to bring people together. £10000 campaign marketing spend – including £1000 digital marketing in the uk driving to socials / facebook / twitter / big machine artists / country artists / radio ads / magazine ads ecrm: sending mailers to big machine uk database and umg country newsletter socials tw: 3m, fb: 8.4m, ig: 2.7m. radio: chris country new music playlist 13/07, country hits, bbc norfolk, downtown country. press : entertainment focus, maverick magazine, six shooter country, country music people, think country, building our own nashville, writer’s room, lyric magazine, your life in a song, completely country